
Adventure Chronicles: Episode 2

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Kristen: (sighs) Man, I can’t believe I let Genevieve drag me into this…
Azi: What? You don’t like visiting Carmelot or something?
Kristen: Well...there’s just too many memories of...before. You know...and it doesn’t help that Taizkehwa insisted on me bringing along feather-brain here! (kicks Owl-Drakon’s bird cage.)
Drakon: HOO!
Kristen: Shuddup! (kick)
Azi: Hey, easy there!
Kristen: Stupid bird.
Drakon: (thinking) I miss my gorgeous body so much! How am I supposed to win my wife back when I’m covered in FEATHERS!?
Kristen: Well I guess it won’t be that bad...Tino and Tina will be there with their mum and Skyro.
Azi: My aunt Anastaija is coming?
Kristen: Yeah. So are Vani, Koray, Kaliah, Mylah, Nekoyun, Annabella, Lyro, Snowbelle, Frostflower, Glacier--
Azi: Okay, okay, lots of old friends are coming. I get it. Kazi and Nightshade will be there, right?
Kristen: Of course.
Azi: Great. And...Tony?
Kristen: I don’t know… He might be slaying ice dragons in Cantar or something. Oh, and  speaking of Cantar, the Imperial Family is coming too.
Azi: Whoa. All this for just my parents’ anniversary?
Kristen: Yup.
Azi: I have a feeling this is gonna be fun.
Kristen: Eh. I’d rather be at home with you.
Drakon: (thinking) Hey! You! Your hands are wandering--get your dirty mitts off my daughter! (starts hooing and flapping his wings angrily)
Kristen: (kicks his birdcage) Shuddup, bird…
*Le time lapse*
(Alexander, Ariella, Liliana, Aura, Tallulah, Rima, and Saarik, are in a ship on their way to Carmelot)
Liliana: This is going to be fun! I’ve never been to Carmelot before!
Aura: Me neither!
Alexander: (chuckles) Yeah, and we have a surprise for them…
Ariella: (beaming) Mhhm…..(giggles)
Liliana: You two are so cute together!
Saarik: What, and we’re not?
Rima: Ugh...mushy-ness.
Tallulah: Oh Rima, you never change.
Rima: Just sayin’...
Guard #1: (comes from the control panel) Your Majesties, we’re here.
(The huge iron gates open, letting the ship into the canal. The ship glides into the small canal, into the port just inside the castle walls. The doors shut with a metallic *clink* behind them.)
Liliana: Let’s go! (she drags everyone out)
T: FRIENDS!! (hugs them all) I’VE MISSED YOU!!! (he’s squeezing them all to death in his impossibly long, strong arms)
Alexander: Ahh...T! Can’t….breathe! (gasping for air)
T: Ah, yes, my apologies. (releases them) (looks at others) Hello, you must be Alexander’s friends. He’s told me all about you!
Aura: It’s a pleasure to meet you, Your Majesty.
Alexander: T! How’s it been?
Ariella: Hello, Genevieve.
Genevieve: (holding onto T’s arm like a faithful wife--dawww!) Hello, Ariella dear. How are you, darling?
Ariella: Very well, actually. (glances at Alexander)
T: Dear Alexander, it’s been wonderful here! Peaceful, too. It’s about damn time, if you ask me. (grinning) I’m so glad you could all make it. Kristen and Azistotle should be arriving in a few minutes. Would you like to step into the dining room? Dinner should be ready in a bit.
Alexander: That’d be nice, thank you. (Ariella walks up to him and holds hands with him while Liliana holds in her awws)
T: Come along. (waves them inside.)
Nero: (turned into a beige wolf) Are they gone?
Chaos: (turned into a gray wolf) I’d think so. They went to the dining room, remember?
Nero: Cool.
Chaos: (waiting) Get out! You’re sitting on my butt!
Nero: OH! (walks away while Chaos follows, shaking his head)
*le time skip*
Kristen: ARIELLA! (runs)
Azi: ALEXANDER!!! (runs)
Alexander: AHH!
Ariella: Woah!
Azi: (almost as tall as T) (hugs Alexander and lifts him off the ground) BUDDY! You made it!
Kristen: Ariella, you’re here! (grabs her hands and starts jumping up and down)
Alexander: Of course I did! Now..uhhh…..can I feel the ground again?
Ariella: (giggles) And, we have a surprise!
Azi: Oh, uh, yeah. (sets him down)
Kristen: Ooh, a surprise? What is it!? Tellmetellmetellme!
Ariella: (looks at Alexander who lifts an eyebrow) I think we should tell you guys later, not now.
Kristen: WHAAAT? But you can’t just say something like that and not continue! I’ll die of suspense!
Ariella: I’m sorry, but it’s just not the right time right now.
Kristen: (sighs) Okay…
Azi: Hey...Dad.
T: MY DARLING BOY!!! (hugs him, lifting him off the ground) You said the D-word!
Azi: (choking) D--dad! You’re suffocating--me!
T: Oh, my apologies, dear. (puts him down) I’m just excited you actually agreed to come, is all. (grinning like an idiot)
Azi: (smiling gently at his parents) Yeah...well I couldn’t just say no, could I?
Kristen: Genevieve, what do we do with him? (points at the birdcage sitting on top of their luggage.)
Genevieve: Oh, uhhh...Taizkehwa, would you take our little pet here to his office? We’ll keep him there for the time being.
Drakon: Hoo.
T: Ugh, if I must… (grabs cage and walks off)
Azi: Why’d you ask us to bring him?
Genevieve: I just...I thought it would be nice for him to visit home for a bit.
Kristen: He doesn’t deserve your sympathy, Mom. Don’t you remember what he did? He cheated on you! And then drugged us so he could control us!!
Genevieve: I--I know, but...he honestly thought he was doing the right thing...I could feel it.
Kristen: I don’t believe you. He’s just a selfish bastard, no more no less.
Azi: (clears throat) Well, Mom, so it’s you and Dad’s anniversary on Saturday, huh?
Genevieve: Oh, why yes. (smiles, blushing) It was actually last night, and Taizkehwa took me out…
Azi: Really? Where to?
Genevieve: The cliffs by the sea. We had a moonlit picnic.
Kristen: (small smile) How romantic. (looks at Azi) So now you know that playing video games for 12 hours straight is NOT what most women want for their anniversary, right?
Azi: (blushing fiercely) You had fun.
Kristen: Well...yeah. I was with you, obviously.
Genevieve: Come, let’s all go to the dining room. Dinner is about ready.
*in the dining room*
(More guests start to arrive. Koray, Vani, Cross, Kaliah, Mylah, and Nekoyun arrive first. Then come Lyro, Snowbelle, Frostflower, Glacier, and a few more blizzard spirits. After that, Tino, Tina, Nightshade, and Kazriel. Then a whole bunch of others I’m too lazy to name.)
Ariella: (links her arm with Alexander beaming) So, uhh, when should we tell them the news?
Alexander: (whispers in her ear) Probably when it’s just the people we know…
Ariella: (grins)
Kristen: Lyro, Snowbelle! You guys are here! (hugs)
Lyro: Of course! Even though, Glacier accidentally froze the invite when it magically appeared in front of his throne, and then when I took it outside to try and melt it it got all soggy…
Snowbelle: Kristen, how are you doing? (smiles, tilting her head) Have you and Azi produced any little Dracos yet?
Kristen: (face turning firehouse red) Uhhh no, not recently...or ever...but...uh…
Azi: We’re planning on it.
Kristen: We are!?
Azi: (whispers) I thought we talked about it!
Kristen: (whispers) When!?
Azi: I don’t know! Isn’t that stuff usually what married people talk about?
Kristen: The only thing we talk about is politics, food, and video games! Oh, and we talk lots of trash about Drakon, but that’s besides the point!
Lyro: Uhh, are we in the middle of something, cuz we can just go now…
Kristen: Eek! No, no, it’s okay! So, have you produced any little hybrid blizzard spirit-Dracos yet?
Lyro: You know, we’ve actually been thinking about it.
Glacier: (creeps in out of nowhere, breathing frosty breath onto Lyro’s hair) What was that, spiky-haired fool?
Lyro: Eeek! Uhh, nothing, Your Frostiness!
Glacier: Don’t call me that, fool. (glides away)
Kristen: He’s always so creepy…
Azi: Shh! He’ll hear you and then he’ll freeze us again!
Nekoyun: (tugging on Kristen’s sleeve) Aunt. Up. Up.
Kristen: (squealing) EEEE! Neko, come here, you! (picks up the  tiny six year old)
Vani: Hello, Kristen, Azi, Lyro, Snowbelle. It’s nice to see you again.
Kaliah: NEKO! I’ve been looking everywhere for you! Jeesh, I’m glad I found you or else Mylah would have popped my head clean off my shoulders… Hey, guys. Sorry if he was bothering you…he’s quite the handful.
Kristen: No problem! He’s adorable!
Neko: (places his hands on top of Kristen’s head, staring at her seriously.) Aunt.
Kristen: Yeah, that’s me! I’m your aunty Krissy!
Neko: Aunt.
Kristen: Is that all you know how to say?
Neko: Yes.
Kristen: Oh...I see what you did there, you smarty pants, you. -.-
Ariella: (walks over with Liliana) Hey Kristen. (Alexander is trailing behind and won’t leave her side.)
Kristen: Hi, Ariella! Have you met my unofficial nephew yet? His name is Nekoyun, meaning “little cat”! Isn’t that just the cutest name ever?
Ariella: Aww! Hi there!
Liliana: Hello!
Alexander (grins)
Neko: I am Nekoyun. This is Aunt. (places his hand on Kristen’s head.) Aunt, who are these people?
Kristen: You are just like your mother and grandpa combined. (chuckles) These are Aunt’s friends Ariella and Alexander.
Neko: I see.
Koray: (walks over) Kaliah, my idiot son, how do you do?
Kaliah: -.- You’re not very funny, Dad.
Mylah: You are hilarious, Mr. Iuduso.
Koray: Thank you, Mylah.
Kristen: (whispers to Alexander and Ariella) See? Neko is like the two of them combined!
Alexander: Aha…
Ariella: (chuckles)
Drakon: (lands on Kristen’s shoulder) Hoo!
Kristen: Eeek! (shoves Neko into Koray’s arms) Bird-brain, what the hell are you doing out of your cage?!
(Owl-Drakon flaps his wings fiercely, his body beginning to glow. He turns back into his Draco self, one hand resting on Kristen’s shoulder.)
Drakon: (sighs) That little cage was so cramped, I had to get out…
Kristen: HOW!?
(The entire hall has gone silent, and people are hiding their kids and wives, on the verge of freaking out.)
Genevieve: Drakon? What--how are you here!?
T: You… (growling, takes a protective stance in front of Genevieve) What are you doing here?
Drakon: I--I came to wish you a happy anniversary. (Looks at Genevieve) give you my gift.
Genevieve: (silence)
T: (snarls) She doesn’t want anything from you.
Drakon: I think she does.
Genevieve: I...I… (runs away crying)
Koray: -.- (thinking) Seriously, my sister is such a wimp.
T: Genevieve! Dear! (runs after her)
(The entire hall is glaring at him now. Glacier stands by Koray, his spear appearing in his hand. Emperor Sakelnov stands beside them, along with Azi and Kristen. Annabella walks over with King Natanial on her arm. Drakon is feeling very threatened now.)
Alexander: How dare you…(his sword appears in his hand. Ariella stands beside him. Tallulah, Rima, Liliana, and Saarik stand there glaring at him as well.)...and on their anniversary...
Drakon: She’s my wife too. I can--
Kristen: You lost the privilege of calling her your wife when you cheated on her!
Drakon: I don’t see how those things cancel each other out.
Azi: Really? Because everyone else does. Now look around you. Do you really think you’re welcome here?
Drakon: This is my castle; I’ll come here whenever I damn well please.
Koray: (puts a hand over Neko’s eyes.) Leave, Drakon. Before things get messy. (His staff appears floating beside him)
Tino: (pushes past the crowd) (pulls his sleeve up, showing the dragon-shaped ring around his finger) I have Adrozhan right here. Nightshade has both Galehrouge and Thoranzeck with her. We’re not afraid to let them loose if that’s what it takes to boot ya out of here.
Tina: Yeah, and then I’ll electrocute you! ZAP! (creates sparks with her magic) See? Just like that!
Drakon: Ah, the illegitimate heirs of Anastaija and Skyro Hale come to the rescue. (sneering) How charming. But you’re all fools if you think I’ve come here alone. Friends, would you come out, please?
Radkan: Ja, comrade Drakon. Ve are fighting tonight, ja? Vat you zink, Chaos? Ve kill zem all?
Chaos: I think, yes.
Chaos: Have you not been listening? I’m here for the fight…(grins evilly) I think your child might not make it after tonight.
Kristen: YOU! What--I thought you were “reformed” or some crap like that!
Chaos: I’m evil, I don’t reform or go on to the good side, ever. It’s just when I’m against Paris...but no longer. He’s on my side now…
Ariella: O-O
Drakon: Old friends, don’t harm my dear subjects just yet; let me go give Genevieve my gift first. (eyeing the nervous crowd with a smug smirk on his face)’d better hope she accepts it, or you can all kiss your mediocre lives goodbye. (*cue evil laugh*)
Kristen: That--that dude! All these dudes right here--they’re all crazy!
Radkan: Ahh, Kristen...zis is your husband, ja? (holds Azi in headlock, pressing a knife to his throat.)
Azi: H--hey! Easy, that’s BRONZE! (flinches as the brown metal blisters his skin.)
Kristen: AZI! Radkan, you monster, let go of him!
Ariella: (gets pissed) LET GO! (magic erupts out of her causing the bad guys to fall on the ground, not unconscious.)
Kristen: Azi! (checks his blistering neck)
Azi: I’m fine, don’t worry… (glaring at Radkan)
Radkan: Kristen, you know Radkan is infatuated by you, ja? Vy you no give him a chance, ja?
Kristen: I’m NOT going to sleep with you, if that’s what you’re implying! (snarls)
Azi: Pardon ME!? I’M GONNA KILL YOU, SON OF A GUN!!! (lunges)
Koray: (holds him back) I don’t think so, Azistotle. Not yet, anyways.
Kristen: Stupid drunken pervert. (cuddles into a growling Azi’s chest.)
Radkan: Ah, dear Princess, you like younger men, ja?
Kristen: Just stop talking!
Azi: If you know what’s good for you… (growl)
Nero: (looks at Ariella grinning)
Nero: Too late. (lunges)
Ariella: (grabs his neck and flings him across the room. He hits the wall unconscious) Bastard.
Chaos: Aww… could have killed my dear sidekick.
Ariella: Would’ve been nice…
*Le time skip*
(Genevieve is curled up on her bed, sobbing. T is trying his best to comfort her by stroking her soft brown tresses comfortingly, cuddling her affectionately.)
Drakon: (curls his lip in disgust) Get off my bed, Dog.
T: (snarls) GET. OUT.
Drakon: Now now, all this drama for just wanting to give my wife an anniversary gift? Why don’t you just let me give it to her, and I’ll leave?
T: (growling) No.
Genevieve: (sits up) T--Taizkehwa...just let him… (wipes her nose with her hand) I’ll...I’m fine.
T: You’re not fine, Genevieve. (nuzzles her cheek) Being around him is too painful for you; I know. I can sense it.
Drakon: Just get out, Dog.
Genevieve: He’s not a dog. (looks at T) But...just give us a moment, please. T: (quickly kisses her, much to Drakon’s disgust) (gets off the bed and pushes past Drakon, growling) Be quick.
(Awkward silence)
Drakon: Genevieve. (approaches her and sits on the edge of the bed) I just...I never got to properly...apologise. For the way I treated you after...the incident.
Genevieve: (hugging a pillow, silent.)
Drakon: I came--I mean, I wanted to give this back to you. (Takes out their old wedding ring)
Genevieve: I--my old ring? gave that to--
Drakon: I only wanted her to put our names in her will as next in line for the throne of Flickerstone; I was going to kill her once it was done, and I would get it back. And...I did.
Genevieve: (staring at the ring) I...I don’t want it.
Drakon: (eyebrows furrow) What?
Genevieve: (glares at him) If that’s all you came to do, then leave.
Drakon: But--
Genevieve: I don’t want that filthy ring. Get it out of my sight, and don’t ever speak to me again. (points at the door) Out. Now.
Drakon: This ring is a symbol of our love! How could you reject it just like that!?
Genevieve: Love. Huh. You throw that word around too carelessly. How many times did you tell your “mistress” you loved her?
Drakon: I never--
Genevieve: Don’t lie to me. I know you. I know you’ll do anything for more power. (looks away) You’ve ruined my evening, broken out of your prison cell, and upset my guests. Just get out. And don’t come back.
Drakon: (grabs her hand, slips off her and Taizkehwa’s wedding ring and tosses it aside. Replaces it with his.) I wasn’t asking you if you wanted it back. I’m giving it to you because I want you back. Is it really that hard to understand?
Genevieve: (glares at him silently.) You’re a fool if you think I’m as weak as I was when  I was with you. I won’t fall for your tainted “love” again.
Drakon: Oh? (smiles) Not even at the cost of your guests’ lives, then?
Genevieve: (eyes narrow) You wouldn’t dare.
Drakon: Oh I think you and I both know I would.
Genevieve: Monster.
Drakon: (grinning) I love it when you call me that.
Genevieve: You’re demented.
Drakon: You're beautiful when you're angry, Darling.
Genevieve: I’ll have you shot to death by a firing squad.
Drakon: You and I both know you don’t have the guts to sentence anyone to death, much less me.
Genevieve: I might just have to make an exception for you.
Drakon: Oh, I’m terrified.
Genevieve: You should leave now.
Drakon: Not before you kiss me goodnight.
Genevieve: You’ll be kissing the dungeon floor goodnight if you don’t get out of my sight this very instant.
Drakon: Charming. (snorts)
Genevieve: You should go.
Drakon: I’ll be back.
Genevieve: I’ll be with my husband.
Drakon: You are with your husband.
Genevieve: Go now.
Drakon: Very well. (stands up, smirks, and leaves.)
*le time skip*
(the villains are standing around the room, keeping everyone in line)
Alexander: Ariella, are you alright? (holds her hand as she gives a small smile)
Ariella: I’m fine. We are fine...
Radkan: Ja, come help your vife, AZI. Oh vait, you're tied to column. My bad, ja? (Laughs)
Azi: You bastard! Get your hands off my wife!!
Radkan: Who vill make me, eh, Azistotle? You? Your father? Not zis time.
Kristen: There are other girls in the world, you big oaf! Ones who aren't ME!!
Radkan: But none as beautiful, Kristen, as you.
Alexander: (stares at Radkan and Nero beginning to come towards his wife) Bastards, both of you. You aren’t real men, just perverts in a man’s body. No, not even in a man’s body. That’s how low you two are...
Koray: Kaliah, my idiot son, hold your child while I save my niece.
*Le POW!*
Koray: Now it's your turn, Nero. Then you, horned devil. (Pointing at Chaos)
Chaos: We’ll see, demi-god.
Nero: Oh no, I’m shaking! (throws a random punch at Alexander, who gets hit) Oops! (Sarcasm)
Ariella: Alexander! (falls to her knees)
Nero: Ahh, so she finally falls to her knees in front of me.
Ariella: BASTARD!
Koray: I am rather short. Don't you agree, Chaos and Nero? Much smaller than both of you, right?
Chaos: Yes, you are. Much shorter...
Koray: But let me tell you something...
*SLICE! There goes Nero's arm. Sliced right down the middle by Korays awesome magical stick of destiny.*
Nero: OWWWWWW…..(falls to his knees cradling his arm. Chaos doesn’t flinch)
Koray: (spits) You are no god of mine, CHAOS, rather a demon I must chase from my world. If you'd like to keep your horns intact, however, I'd suggest you leave, and take this blubbering pervert here with you.
Chaos: You are an idiot, Koray. You can’t hurt me even with your stupid little stick. But I, I have three times the power you do, and my son has six.
Ariella: So does your daughter, nitwit.
Koray: (chuckles) Are you trying to blackmail me?
Chaos: No, my friend. I’m simply trying to tell you a fact.
Koray: (glares at him) We are not friends.
Chaos: My apologies...midget.
Koray: Leave. Now. Or your daughter will make you.
Chaos: I don’t think so. She has a weakness, and that would be her brother. Darling Paris, my pride…
(in a flash of light, Paris appears. Ariella’s stomach drops ten feet down)
Paris: Hello, assembly. My apologies for ruining this grand day, but I must stay on schedule. Things to do, places to destroy. Don’t worry, not your stupid own.
Ariella: Don’t. You. Dare.
Paris: (flashes a brilliant smile) I would. And, dear sister of mine, you wanted us out? Fine, you got it. But you won’t be leaving anytime soon…
Ariella: No!
(Paris throws a magical orb her way, but Alexander takes it, flinging himself in front of it. He’s trapped in a block of ice. The three villains leave)
Radkan: Mmm…..this doesn’t seem very fun anymore……..
Kristen: (punches him in the nose) THAT WAS FOR BEING A PERVERT!
Radkan: Oww….my beautiful nose! (falls to his knees)
Saarik: (runs to Azi after untying himself and unties him)
Kristen: Wha--hey! Get away from me you pervert! HELP!!!
Azi: Krissy!
Radkan: Come, comrades, help me with her, ja? Hold her down...
Ariella: (leaves Alexander and knocks him out with a random object.) PERVERT! (she falls on her knees)
Kristen: Ariella, thank you!!
(Wiggles over to Azi.) Azi! (Rubs up against his leg)
Azi: Hey, Krissy...
Kristen: Azi! (Hugging his leg)
Radkan: nose…
Ariella: You deserved it...
Kristen: Didn't he, though?
Ariella: He did, and my brother must pay for what he did…(looks over at Alexander)
Kristen: What did he do?
Ariella: He encased Alexander in a block of ice.
Kristen: I know! Tino, can you free Adrozhan?
Tino: Uhh, no. She won't fit in here.
Kristen:...Whoa. How big is she?
Tino: Too big to fit indoors.
Kristen: Ugh...what do we do then?
Ariella: ...well we can’t just leave him there to freeze to death!
Tallulah: She’s right. Alexander has 24 hours until his whole body freezes up and shuts down.
Liliana: How do you know?
Tallulah: ...that’s how Paris killed my other sister, Laleina.
Kristen: ...Paris sounds like a real ass.
Ariella: He is.
Azi: I agree. Anyways, does anyone have any ideas for how to unfreeze Alexander here?
Aura: I can try...but I don’t guarantee results.
Saarik: What are you going to do?
Aura: Use sound waves so loud that no human can hear them. Don’t worry, it won’t hurt you. But it’ll, hopefully, break the ice.
Ariella: Do it.
Aura: (she squeezes her eyes shut and she looks extremely concentrated, while it’s still silent. The ice begins to make cracks when suddenly, Alexander falls on a heap on the floor)
Ariella: Alexander! (she falls on her knees over him as he wheezes)
Krissy: It worked!
Azi: (sighs) Alexander, you okay?
Alexander: Owwww…...
Azi: What’s wrong?
Krissy: O.O Wut
Radkan: You can always give her to me, comrade Drakon, ja?
Drakon: Don’t make me hit you.
Radkan: o.o OK.
Azi: A witch, huh?
Kristen: Witches aren’t real. It’s only a ploy humans came up with to make up for their lack of magic or wings.
Tino: We’re getting off topic, guys. -.-
Azi: Alexander, can you fight?
Alexander: Owwwwww…
Ariella: I believe that means no.
Azi: Yeah, I’d think so...HEY PARIS, YOU ARSE, I’M COMIN FO YOU!!
Krissy: Azi, no. He’ll freeze you and you’ll end up like Alexander.
Paris: Did someone call my beautiful name?
Ariella: Bastard.
Azi: More like BasTURD! You here that? You’re a bastard and a turd!!
Paris: Hmmm...I’ve never been called a turd before...what does that mean?
Azi: Crap. Poop. Sh*t. Feces. Get it? I just called you a bastard and a piece of crap.
Paris: I’m offended, really.
Azi: You don’t look like it.
Kristen: No, he looks like crap.
Azi: (cue knowing grin here)
Kristen: (cue knowing grin here)
Paris: Ummm...okay then, idiots. Drakon, how are you doing?
Drakon: I need a drink…
Kristen: What you need is to stop getting yourself so drunk that you try murdering our Author with a spoon!
Tino: Every. Single. TIME!
Azi: (nods)
Drakon: Come, Paris, Chaos, and the rest of you. We’ll go get drunk on wine and then harrass our hostages later.
Paris: I’m not getting drunk like my father.
Chaos: Excuse me?
Paris: You heard me.  
Radkan: Vell I am! Come, Drakon, let us gorge ourselves with vodka, ja?
Drakon: You know I hate vodka.
Radkan: But I don’t.
(They leave)
Alexander: What exactly just happened? (still on the floor)
Krissy: You just got unfrozen. Err, defrosted, I mean.
Azi: Paris froze you.
Alexander: Oh. Okay then. (gets up with Ariella’s help) Are you guys okay, Ari?
Ariella: We’re fine.
Krissy: How are we gonna get out of here?
Azi: Let’s look for my parents. They should be somewhere up in their private wing. We’ll go through the throne room into the lounge. There are stairs leading up to the bedrooms from there.
Krissy: Okay. Ariella, you should stay here and take care of everyone. Azi, Tino, and I will look for the King and Queen.
Ariella: Alright.
Krissy: Okay guys, let’s go. It’s time to kick some pompous royal ass!
(In the bar room)
Paris: Idiots.
Chaos: Tell me about it…
Paris: You were included.
Drakon: dat any way tuh talk to yer Uncle Drakie? ...teeheee….
Paris: Disgusting. And since when are you my “uncle”?
Drakon: (opens arms) Hugggggs?
Radkan: He’s everyone’s uncle when he drinks, ja?
Drakon: Ja...whutever that means...teehee!
Paris: Eh, no.
(One bottle of vodka later)
Drakon: (sobs) And--and then she left too! Now I have no one left I can hug or--or kiss or even just talk tooooooo!!!
Radkan: (patting his back) There, there, comrade. No need to cry, ja? You are man; act like one.
Drakon: (sniffle) It’s hard…being all alone…
Chaos: Oh gods….Paris, you should get people you want information from drunk. It works like a charm.
Drakon: Uhm not...drunk… (passes out)
Chaos: As hell you’re not.
Radkan: OK. I take you to wife now, ja? (carries him away)
Paris: That was weird.
Tony: Whut--oh, hey Krissy.
Tino: How did you even get in here!?
Tony: Shut up, Blondie!
(they continue to fight)
Kristen: You’re gonna get us CAUGHT!
Tino: Your screaming is what’s gonna get us caught, girl.
Kristen: Oh...yeah. *blushes*
Radkan: Horse dung! (he dropped Drakon...again.)
Kristen: RADKAN! Tony, I choose you!
Tony: YAAAAH! (hits Radkan with a sphere of dark purple magic.)
Radkan: AIYEEEEEE!!! (flies into a stone column.)
Drakon: (on the floor) Eh? Hummmmm….
Kristen: Azi, Tino, grab Drakon! We’ll drag him back into the dining room and keep him hostage!
Drakon: uhhhhhh
(Tino and Azi grab him and start pulling him down the stairs.)
Kristen: Come on.
Tony: Krissy.
Kristen: ….What?
Tony: I’ve missed you…
Kristen: ...yeah?
Tony: Yeah.
Kristen:’s nice to have you back. (looks at Radkan) We’ll take him too. Come on.
(End scene)
~Meanwhile, in the dining room~
Ariella: Oh dear…
Alexander: What?
Ariella: (points to her belly which literally just grew)
Alexander: That…..that was really weird.
Liliana: Woah! One minute you had a flat stomach, the next it’s all fat and mushy!
Ariella: -.- Thanks for the...whatever that was.
Alexander: Uhmmmm… you know when your due?
Ariella: I think my aunt said November 2.
Alexander: ----------
Saarik: What’s wrong, Alexander?
Alexander: It’s just that...uhh...well, I think today….uhhm….is…..(cough) November 2 (cough).
Aura: WHAT?!
Ariella: (blank face) We have to get out of here before it happens.
Rima: Heck yeah! Your baby will be born in your country!
Ariella: That’s not what I meant.
Rima: We need a game plan! Everyone I know but Ariella and Alexander, get over here!
(Liliana, Aura, Rima, Saarik, and Tallulah get into a circle)
Ariella: Do you think they might be taking this too far? (looks at Alexander who is wincing) Alex?
Alexander: Not at all, dear…..
Ariella: -.- My day just keeps getting better.
Azi: Hey, we caught Drakon! Does anyone have any rope?
Tino: Or an electric shock collar?
Azi: Yeah, that could actually work too...YO! Ariella, why is your stomach all fat and mushy!?
Ariella: -.- You don’t just ask a girl why her stomach is all fat and mushy.
Ariella: -.- That was supposed to be the surprise.
Liliana: Oh, right. Uhh….SURPRISE!
Azi: Oh… *blushes* Well, then it’s a good kind of fat and mushy, so yay! (coughs)
Kristen: You’re pregnant? YAAYYY!
Drakon: Who’s pregnant?
Tino: I’ve never really noticed, but he does smell a lot like lust…
Drakon: I DO NOT!!
Azi: (creates magical razor-blade handcuffs and puts them on him) Just stay here and don’t move or I’ll let Kazriel eat you.
Drakon: 0.0
Kristen: Ariella, are you getting any contractions? Do you feel okay?
Ariella: I’m fi--oh. Oh gods. Nevermind. The baby is kicking. And woah, she has a strong kick.
Kristen: Okay. Okay. (announces to the whole room) IS ANYONE A DOCTOR AND/OR HEALER IN HERE!?
Drakon: I know how to deliver a baby…
Kristen: we have time to call a doctor, Ariella?
Ariella: Yes. I hope so.
Alexander: I’m not letting a doctor I don’t know near my wife!
Ariella: Oh look, your love sense is kicking in.
Drakon: You know me. And I qualify as a doctor.
Kristen: Put a cork in it, you creep! Alexander, what do you suggest, then?
Paris: I’ll deliver the baby. Done it before.
Paris: She’s my sister. I delivered her when she was born.
Ariella: WE’RE TWINS!
Kristen: ...Did he really deliver you, Ariella?
Ariella: Amazingly, yes. We’re gods after all.
Kristen:’s either him or Drakon. Choose one, because ALEXANDER doesn’t want a real, non-psychopathic doctor to deliver your baby instead.
Ariella: Paris, I don’t care that we hate each other right now. Just deliver your niece.
Paris: Fine.
Alexander: Someone hold me down or I’ll punch that guy, or else Drakon will be the baby deliverer.
Azi: On it. (holds him) We wouldn’t want that creep over there delivering your daughter.
Drakon: I am not a creep! Sometimes I just want a friend…
Radkan: You have me!
Drakon: A real friend...who’s a woman...and my daughter or wife.
Kristen: Shut up, idiots. Paris, my psychopathic non-friend, what do you need?
Paris: A bedroom which we can utilize, lots of blankets and sheets, and maybe some medicine so she doesn’t feel the pain.
Kristen: What is this, Beige’s Anatomy? We’re not a hospital. But we have a small infirmary over near the living wing of the castle. Would that work?
Paris: That’s perfect.
Ariella: LET’S GO, DAMMIT!
Paris: Double the medicine.
Kristen: I’ll tell the staff.
~le time skip~
Kristen: Set her down over there! The nurses are gathering the medicine; is she alright?
Paris: Super heavy but fine.
Paris: This is normal for women who are in or will be in labor. (lies her down)
Azi: Yikes. (glances at Kristen) Not looking forward to that.
Azi: 0.0
Alexander: (being held by Azi) I’m staying. You guys could leave if you want. I’m not leaving her side.
Paris: Good. Your very presence will calm her down during labor. Similar to having to stay by her side else it’d hurt to have the child with her. Warning brother in law, she might squeeze your hand pretty hard.
Alexander: I’m ready for that...I think.
Drakon: Trust me, I can deliver a baby too! I’ve done it before.
Kristen: If you don’t get out right this instant I will personally JAM AN ICE PICK THROUGH YOUR SKULL AND ENJOY EVERY MOMENT OF IT.
Drakon: (slowly backs out of the room.)
(Genevieve and Taizkehwa arrive. Genevieve is wiping mascara stains from her face)
Genevieve: Hello everyone… did we miss anything?
Kristen: -.-
Taizkehwa: How is she?
Ariella: IN PAIN!!! SO. MUCH. PAIN!!!
Taizkehwa: Ahh, remember when that was you, darling?
Genevieve: I’ve gone through it four times… (shivers) Please don’t make me do it again!
Kristen: Will she be okay?
Paris: She’ll be fine. She’s pretty strong, which is good.
Alexander: Of course she is.
Kristen: Do what the woman says, guys.
Paris: Alright then...uhhh...soo….what happens next?
Kristen: I think you should let him go, Azi. (seething) Let him kill the stupid liar...
Azi: Eh...alright. (lets go)
Alexander: BASTARD! (fight)
(Drakon peeps into the room)
Kristen: NOT YOU!
Taizkehwa: He’s the only one who knows how...…
Genevieve: GOD’S TEETH, MAN! (huffs)
Drakon: (slowly walks over, looking around anxiously.) Are you sure? I think I can get one of the doctors to come back here and do it for us…
Kristen: That’s a good idea...but do we have time? Ariella?
Alexander: Drakon, do it. But I’m watching your every move, got it?
Drakon: I can’t do it with all of this pressure! (flies out the window)
Kristen: going to go look for my swords. (fuming.)
Taizkehwa: Wait. Why don’t we just ask Koray? He delivered both Kaliah and Vanessa.
Everyone: WHY DIDN’T YOU SAY THAT IN THE FIRST PLACE!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!
T: I forgot! There’s no need to shout. KORAY, GET YOUR SCRAWNY ARSE IN HERE, PLEASE!
Koray: You called? And for the record, my arse is not scrawny. I’ve been told it has a nice shape.
Genevieve: KORAY!!
Koray: It’s true. It’s like two perfectly shaped apples.
Alexander: Uhh...awkward...
Koray: Anyways, what is it? Is she dying?
T: She’s in labor.
Koray: Ah. I see. Well this should help with the pain. (A magical white leaf appears and Koray shoves it down Ariella’s throat) Chew that. I’ll need some warm water and cloths, please. Now everyone please exit the room, minus you, Alexander.
Alexander: What did you just shove down my wife’s throat?
Koray: A moon-herb called “Mother’s Antidote”. It greatly lessens the pain of contractions until the pain seems hardly noticeable. Is it working, Ariella?
Ariella: I feel so much better…...thank you.
Koray: Nonsense, it’s nothing, really. Now, let’s see…
~Le time skip~
Koray: It’s a girl. What will you name her? (sets crying baby down in Ariella’s arms.)
Ariella: Hi there, sweetie! (looks at Alexander) Do you have a name in mind, dear?
Alexander: (grins) Cecilia. Cecilia Gabriela Melisandra Dynami.
Ariella: (smiles) It’s perfect.
Koray: Should I call everyone in?
Alexander: Go ahead. I think, though, that we’re gonna take a nap…(the three of them sleep)...
Koray: (nods) (Exits)
For your information, that is not how Cecilia is born...
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